Pre-Emergent: Quali-Pro Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade 65 WDG)

Where do you get it? #

Quali-Pro Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade 65 WDG) (5 lbs) – Pre-Emergent Herbicide

Why should you buy it? #

Quali-Pro Prodiamine 65 WDG pre-emergent is the key piece of your weed control strategy much like Dimension 2EW can be. Prodiamine is the name of the chemical itself and comes in granule form while Dimension is in liquid form and contains a different chemical called Dithiopyr. Prodiamine in generic form from companies like Quali-Pro is usually cheaper than Dimension. You use this to prevent weeds from happening at all if you follow the guide. It can be used for crabgrass, clovers, dandelions, and other weed seeds we commonly see in Texas Bermuda grass lawns. One big one it helps prevent is Poa Annua (Annual Bluegrass) which tends to have seeds go into the ground in winter in Texas and start germinating with grass around March and April forming seed heads that go all over your lawn and continue coming up throughout the growing season. They are shallow root weeds so as you water your lawn and it holds moisture in low spots in your grass, you will see Poa Annua continue to come up unless you put down this Prodiamine to break the germination cycle.

What’s in it? #

The active ingredient is Prodiamine which acts as a pre-emergent herbicide only. Prodiamine inhibits the formation of microtubules in weeds that it targets. It was created by Sandoz AG in 1987 which merged forming Novartis in 1996 and is now owned by the spinout Syngenta as of 2000. You can also get Barricade or products that contain Barricade. Barricade the retail version of the generic Prodiamine made by Syngenta. The 5 lb. bottle will arrive from Amazon like this and contains 65% Prodiamine in Water Dispersible Granule (WDG) particles. It will last you several years since you only put down very little per year:

How do you use it? #

Pour the granules into a pump sprayer, backpack sprayer, or hose-end sprayer and stir it with a little water. It depends on your sprayer. Hose end sprayers are not recommended since it’s not as accurate. However, you can use them if that is all you have as long as you are carefully measuring it out to prevent over application. For some hose-end sprayers like the Ortho Dial-n-Spray hose-end sprayer, just .8 oz of granules weighed in a cup on a small scale and then stirred into the sprayer’s reservoir with water is all that is needed per 1000 sq ft. Then you can spray your lawn with it in 1000 sq. ft. sections by measuring it out this way. The Ortho Dial-n-Spray prays about 2 gallons per minute. Since we are trying to put about 1 oz. of Prodiamine down use the 0.5 oz. setting to cover 1000 sq ft. with 2 gallons of water in 1 minute with it. You need to move at a normal pace to cover 1000 sq ft with this setting so do not over-apply by moving too slow.

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